Next Steps

Some suggestions:

Hook up with a phone or in-person study partner at Partners in Torah.

Locate a synagogue in your area at Orthodox UnionYoung Israel, or Chabad and see what programs they offer.

Light Sabbath candles

Do a kind act for somebody.

Research your genealogy at,, or

Start buying kosher meat.

Check out some of the Jewish sites on our Links page.

Start keeping some aspect of Sabbath observance such as not driving a car from Friday night to Saturday night.

Consider wearing more modest attire if you do not all ready.

Talk to God in some way: say hello, make a request, ask a question (it may get answered via your life).

Concentrate on some aspect of your personality that you'd like to improve such as humility, patience, compassion, generosity, or honesty and study and practice ways to achieve it.

If you are married, consider looking into and observing some aspects of the laws of family purity.

Put a mezzuzah on your front door.

Spend a Shabbos (Sabbath/Friday-Saturday) at a home in a Torah observant community.

If it's Rosh Hashana (usually September or October) go to hear a shofar blowing at a local synogogue.

Go to the beach or mountains or just look up at the clouds and say "God made this beauty."

Find a Jewish man or woman to date (as appropriate) if you are not married. You might try or singles events at the local synogogue.

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